Accuracy Watchdog Shreds Robin Carnahan’s Credibility
You’ve seen Robin Carnahan’s misleading attacks. Now the non-partisan truth-checker,, has ripped Robin Carnahan’s credibility to shreds. Here’s some of what found when they examined Robin Carnahan attacks:
“We find the charges to be false.”; “…the Democratic candidate misstates and distorts Blunt’s position…”; “...Carnahan leaps to the false conclusion”; “…mislabeling that a ‘bailout.’”; "...without any evidence..."; “…misleading…”; "Carnahan's video also exaggerates..."; “…the Carnahan video misrepresents Blunt’s position on liability…”; “…it makes this unfounded charge…”; "The Carnahan campaign falsely says..."; “…flawed conclusion…”; “…no proof…”; “…just part of a misleading narrative built on out-of-context quotations…”; “…a flawed understanding…”; and “…an inaccurate use of the word ‘bailout.’”
You’ve known all along that Carnahan’s attacks are false, but her liberal allies have already spent more than $1.3 million distorting the truth. Before this election is over they will spend millions more.
Straight from Roy Blunt's website.
Carnahan has pushed herself too far. She is trying to make fools of us all. She is trying to deceive
us. We cannot allow this to go on any longer.
Carnahan and her cronies have distorted the truth and flat out lied to us again and again. We must strike
We need boots on the ground! Canvassing, phone banks or even donations are needed. Contact your local Republican Headquarters to help Roy today!
Become a fan of Roy on Facebook and/or follow his Twitter!
Here's the address for the Kirksville Area:
Republican Headquarters, 214 North Franklin Street, Kirksville, MO.
While you are at it, I highly recommend you lend your assistance to a real hard worker who has fought for the economic well being of this area in the Missouri House and is running for State Senate, Brian Munzlinger!
Show your support and tell your friends!
We'll keep fighting to uncover the truth!
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