Those of you who clicked the link (you did, right?) would also notice that the article doesn't end there. It goes on to say that the Democrats are pulling a last desperate attempt to derail Blunt's campaign. So what is this superweapon?

Not just any Hispanic illegal! And Blunt hired her to do housework!!!
Not exactly...
Normally, I wouldn't touch the whole "Stimulus" fiasco, since there is conflicting reports over its effectiveness...but this is an interesting find...
From The Pitch:
So who comes out of Stimu-gate looking good? Oddly, it's Roy Blunt. As recently as last week, Blunt was slamming his senate race opponent Robin Carnahan for having the audacity to have a brother whose business received stimulus money, and he called it "a huge waste of money..."...In the mountains of paperwork the journalists working on the study read through, they didn't find a single letter from Blunt trying to divert cash back home.Blunt has the momentum...
...Blunt has the lead...
...YOU have the power!
It's up to you to elect Roy!!! There is still time to help him out! The race may be "over," but this is no time to rest, we rest when victory is ours!
Let's clean up!

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