We have finally surpassed the barrier that has given the Carnahan clan hope. No amount of spin can explain away Roy Blunt's ten point lead!
It just goes to show you that experience and hard work will pay off. Payday isn't until Election Day though, so keep working to ensure Roy Blunt's victory!
You know that Carnahan's Campaign is well aware of this and will be pulling out all the stops in their last gasp. They will use every trick at their disposal to paint Roy as a corrupt Washington insider.
Some people, however, won't be buying it.
The smart people reading this blog won't buy it either. We all know Roy represents Missouri's best interests. His experience and plans for jobs, education and affordable healthcare are paramount in his campaign and we know he will deliver, like he has for so long.
Carnahan, on the other hand, has been focusing too much on creating bull rather than stopping the bull. Her hypocritical ways have turned off many voters and frankly I don't blame them.
I'm keeping this post light, you know the drill. Keep fighting for Roy and he'll keep fighting for you.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"As Far as We're Concerned, The Race is Over"
Pro-Blunt American Crossroads spokesman Jonathan Collegio put it very nicely. The American Crossroads is pulling out of the Senate Race simply because they don't think their help is needed anymore.
Those of you who clicked the link (you did, right?) would also notice that the article doesn't end there. It goes on to say that the Democrats are pulling a last desperate attempt to derail Blunt's campaign. So what is this superweapon?
...a Hispanic maid?
Not just any Hispanic maid...an illegal! And Blunt hired her to do housework!!!
Not exactly...
Roy, however, is adding to his "superweapon" ---The choice of the PEOPLE!---
We wouldn't have a post without mentioning ANOTHER endorsement! This time from the Washington Missourian. With all the endorsements Roy has acquired, I could wallpaper my room with them. Since my landlord would kill me if I did such a thing, I guess I'm stuck putting wallpaper on my computer...
Normally, I wouldn't touch the whole "Stimulus" fiasco, since there is conflicting reports over its effectiveness...but this is an interesting find...
From The Pitch:
...Blunt has the lead...
...YOU have the power!
It's up to you to elect Roy!!! There is still time to help him out! The race may be "over," but this is no time to rest, we rest when victory is ours!
Let's clean up!
Those of you who clicked the link (you did, right?) would also notice that the article doesn't end there. It goes on to say that the Democrats are pulling a last desperate attempt to derail Blunt's campaign. So what is this superweapon?

Not just any Hispanic maid...an illegal! And Blunt hired her to do housework!!!
Not exactly...
Blunt told the St. Louis Post Dispatch Wednesday that he did not recall the woman in question ever doing any work for him as a housekeeper. Blunt's spokesman, Rich Chrismer, said in a statement Tuesday that the woman "never worked for the Blunts. She simply helped out at a couple of church events." (Same Article)Well...there goes that superweapon...
Roy, however, is adding to his "superweapon" ---The choice of the PEOPLE!---
We wouldn't have a post without mentioning ANOTHER endorsement! This time from the Washington Missourian. With all the endorsements Roy has acquired, I could wallpaper my room with them. Since my landlord would kill me if I did such a thing, I guess I'm stuck putting wallpaper on my computer...
Normally, I wouldn't touch the whole "Stimulus" fiasco, since there is conflicting reports over its effectiveness...but this is an interesting find...
From The Pitch:
So who comes out of Stimu-gate looking good? Oddly, it's Roy Blunt. As recently as last week, Blunt was slamming his senate race opponent Robin Carnahan for having the audacity to have a brother whose business received stimulus money, and he called it "a huge waste of money..."...In the mountains of paperwork the journalists working on the study read through, they didn't find a single letter from Blunt trying to divert cash back home.Blunt has the momentum...
...Blunt has the lead...
...YOU have the power!
It's up to you to elect Roy!!! There is still time to help him out! The race may be "over," but this is no time to rest, we rest when victory is ours!
Let's clean up!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Once again!
When it rains,it pours and pours and pours and pours.
Once again, Roy has the endorsement of multiple newspapers. The Joplin Globe and the St. Joseph News-Press both praise Roy's experience and his connection with the views of Missourians. They rightly believe that Roy is the best person for the job.
Once again, Roy is victorious in the (final) Senate debate!
Listen to the full debate here!
(Note: two of the most heated sections of the debate are at the 23:45 and 40:00 marks of the audio file)
Once again, Roy has the advantage in spending power!
Once again, Carnahan is trying to reignite her base with false hope. She thinks that Blunt leading by "only" five points is a victory. It could very well be a good sign for her campaign, however, the poll was conducted by the highly liberal Public Policy Polling group...and when a group this liberal still has a Republican in the lead, that should tell you your campaign is sunk.
Once again, I question Carnahan's tactics in her advertising. Don't bother trying to find this particular ad, because it is literally Carnahan talking to, and I'm not making this up...
...a cardboard cutout of Roy Blunt...
Nevermind her unrealistic claims of putting a stop to earmarks by herself and cutting all Senators pay by herself, but the fact that she is about as close to a "Straw-Man Fallacy" as you can get. Carnahan and the camera both look at "Roy" while attacking the real Roy, with the camera even using goofy zooming effects.
The funniest part about this whole thing? Someone, somewhere, has it in the back of their mind that instead of their donation helping to buy air time or newspaper ads for Carnahan, they actually bought a cardboard cutout of the opposing candidate.

Once again, Roy has the endorsement of multiple newspapers. The Joplin Globe and the St. Joseph News-Press both praise Roy's experience and his connection with the views of Missourians. They rightly believe that Roy is the best person for the job.
Once again, Roy is victorious in the (final) Senate debate!
Listen to the full debate here!
(Note: two of the most heated sections of the debate are at the 23:45 and 40:00 marks of the audio file)
Once again, Roy has the advantage in spending power!
Carnahan (D): $2.2M raised, $2.1M on hand
Blunt (R): $2.4M raised, $3.7M on hand
Once again, you should help Roy seal away this victory!
Find your nearest Victory Office location here and ask how you can help Roy!
Once again, Roy has a new ad out that blasts Carnahan for her support of $500,000,000,000 in Medicare cuts!
Once again, Carnahan is trying to reignite her base with false hope. She thinks that Blunt leading by "only" five points is a victory. It could very well be a good sign for her campaign, however, the poll was conducted by the highly liberal Public Policy Polling group...and when a group this liberal still has a Republican in the lead, that should tell you your campaign is sunk.
Once again, I question Carnahan's tactics in her advertising. Don't bother trying to find this particular ad, because it is literally Carnahan talking to, and I'm not making this up...

Nevermind her unrealistic claims of putting a stop to earmarks by herself and cutting all Senators pay by herself, but the fact that she is about as close to a "Straw-Man Fallacy" as you can get. Carnahan and the camera both look at "Roy" while attacking the real Roy, with the camera even using goofy zooming effects.
The funniest part about this whole thing? Someone, somewhere, has it in the back of their mind that instead of their donation helping to buy air time or newspaper ads for Carnahan, they actually bought a cardboard cutout of the opposing candidate.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Robin on the Ropes, Blunt Readies for Knock-Out Punch
Blunt v. Carnahan at long last. Carnahan's constant complaints about Roy not debating were finally answered. Unfortunately for her, she was much better off not debating at all. If you missed that lovely debate, here is all you need to know.
Not enough? Fine.
How about these highlights from the debate?
Not clicking the links, huh?
All right. Fine. This is what you need to know.
That is what you need to put in your mind when you go to the polls.
Even with Roy's great victory, there is more to come. Tune in Friday the 15th for part deux of the Collapse of Carnahan.
If you have read my previous posts (and I know you have), you may have noticed the Democrats are pulling funding from the Carnahan campaign.
While all this is happening, Roy has had his best fundraising quarter yet. Over $2.4 million dollars!
And the endorsements keep coming in too. The Quincy Herald-Whig endorsed Roy Blunt. Even though Quincy is in Illinois, it is also a main news provider to much of Northeast Missouri.
I can't help but think that Carnahan is backed into a corner with no way out. I fully expect a barrage of advertisements that become sharper and sharper until they become almost tasteless and offensive. Personally, I can't wait.
Carnahan is crumbling. Roy is rising. Roy has almost a ten point lead in the polls.
Instead of seeing two titans battle for Senate, we may just be watching Blunt's Superman versus...

Shark repellent, anyone?
Not enough? Fine.
How about these highlights from the debate?
Not clicking the links, huh?
All right. Fine. This is what you need to know.

Even with Roy's great victory, there is more to come. Tune in Friday the 15th for part deux of the Collapse of Carnahan.
If you have read my previous posts (and I know you have), you may have noticed the Democrats are pulling funding from the Carnahan campaign.
While all this is happening, Roy has had his best fundraising quarter yet. Over $2.4 million dollars!
And the endorsements keep coming in too. The Quincy Herald-Whig endorsed Roy Blunt. Even though Quincy is in Illinois, it is also a main news provider to much of Northeast Missouri.
I can't help but think that Carnahan is backed into a corner with no way out. I fully expect a barrage of advertisements that become sharper and sharper until they become almost tasteless and offensive. Personally, I can't wait.
Carnahan is crumbling. Roy is rising. Roy has almost a ten point lead in the polls.
Instead of seeing two titans battle for Senate, we may just be watching Blunt's Superman versus...

Shark repellent, anyone?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Check out Roy's new ad!
Roy has launched another offensive! This time, however, he has supplemented his newest ad by touting the Sikeston Standard Democrat's endorsement of him and the NRA Victory Fund's endorsement of him, as well as a new coalition called "Seniors for Roy Blunt."
"Seniors for Roy Blunt" is a group that has supported Roy's policies for the elderly. They are vehemently against the Obamacare debacle, especially against the $500,000,000,000 (that's with a "b!") cut to Medicare that Carnahan endorsed!
Carnahan, in fact, should be in full panic mode now. It looks like even the Democrats at the National Level are starting to pull money from the Carnahan Campaign! If you just happen to watch the newest Carnahan ad, "Differences", you will even see her smile fade right at the end. Maybe she sees the writing on the wall.
And as Carnahan's credibility and support crumbles, Roy's has been bolstered significantly. Op-eds such as this one state that Roy is honest and a good listener.
That's all for today, sorry to disappoint.
Expect a bigger post this Thursday, Headquarters has been busy.
Sally forth, troops. Victory is ever closer.
Roy has launched another offensive! This time, however, he has supplemented his newest ad by touting the Sikeston Standard Democrat's endorsement of him and the NRA Victory Fund's endorsement of him, as well as a new coalition called "Seniors for Roy Blunt."
"Seniors for Roy Blunt" is a group that has supported Roy's policies for the elderly. They are vehemently against the Obamacare debacle, especially against the $500,000,000,000 (that's with a "b!") cut to Medicare that Carnahan endorsed!
Carnahan, in fact, should be in full panic mode now. It looks like even the Democrats at the National Level are starting to pull money from the Carnahan Campaign! If you just happen to watch the newest Carnahan ad, "Differences", you will even see her smile fade right at the end. Maybe she sees the writing on the wall.
And as Carnahan's credibility and support crumbles, Roy's has been bolstered significantly. Op-eds such as this one state that Roy is honest and a good listener.
That's all for today, sorry to disappoint.
Expect a bigger post this Thursday, Headquarters has been busy.
Sally forth, troops. Victory is ever closer.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Try not to Grimace
Can you connect the dots? The Missouri Republican Party sure can:
The Carnahans' Wind Farm.
Roy has been hammering away at this for a while:
And it looks like it is working too!
The only poll that matters to Roy, however, is the one 26 days from now, election day.
So get out there and help Roy out!
Apparently the female supporters of Roy have a new website up called:
This is an interesting tactic, and I hope it goes well!
I've noticed that the battle between Blunt and Carnahan seems to be "Let's truth-check the Hell out of each other." All well and good, but it seems like the Carnahan campaign is picking small bits out of large pieces of Legislature.
I would like to try to explain this in a bizarre and delicious way.
This is a delicious McDouble from the McDonald's dollar menu:

Notice the two delicious patties and buns with the slice of melty cheesy goodness. This is the main Legislative bill, say an Appropriations Bill. See those other things? The pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard are extras. They aren't necessary part of the main bill, just additions to the bill, like language changes. Nothing affects the bottom line, the burger is still a buck.
For the purposes of this exercise, assume that I order the burger, get the burger, then pay for the burger. Not the most efficient means of business here, but this is government.
Say I order one of these delicious pieces of Legislation and someone in the back adds Mac Sauce, which for the purposes of this exercise, I hate, which costs an additional 25 cents give or take. The burger comes back, all wrapped up and ready to go when I get the cost. $1.25. I only brought one dollar (hypothetical taxpayer money) so I need to bum the other .25 from a friend (remember I'm a college student here and this also represents the stimulus.). This McDonald's doesn't do redos and I am really hungry here. I accept the fact that the burger was a little more expensive than I would have wanted it, has a condiment I could have done without and I could really do nothing to stop it, but I couldn't just throw it away. I have to take the good with the bad if I want to eat at all...
...And then I am attacked for wasting taxpayers money for a condiment (representing pork) I dislike.
And because everyone else saw me bum a quarter off my friend, they can believe something this ridiculous. I'm a thief in their eyes...or more likely...
Robble robble.
The Carnahans' Wind Farm.
Roy has been hammering away at this for a while:
And it looks like it is working too!
The only poll that matters to Roy, however, is the one 26 days from now, election day.
So get out there and help Roy out!
Apparently the female supporters of Roy have a new website up called:
This is an interesting tactic, and I hope it goes well!
I've noticed that the battle between Blunt and Carnahan seems to be "Let's truth-check the Hell out of each other." All well and good, but it seems like the Carnahan campaign is picking small bits out of large pieces of Legislature.
I would like to try to explain this in a bizarre and delicious way.
This is a delicious McDouble from the McDonald's dollar menu:

Notice the two delicious patties and buns with the slice of melty cheesy goodness. This is the main Legislative bill, say an Appropriations Bill. See those other things? The pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard are extras. They aren't necessary part of the main bill, just additions to the bill, like language changes. Nothing affects the bottom line, the burger is still a buck.
For the purposes of this exercise, assume that I order the burger, get the burger, then pay for the burger. Not the most efficient means of business here, but this is government.
Say I order one of these delicious pieces of Legislation and someone in the back adds Mac Sauce, which for the purposes of this exercise, I hate, which costs an additional 25 cents give or take. The burger comes back, all wrapped up and ready to go when I get the cost. $1.25. I only brought one dollar (hypothetical taxpayer money) so I need to bum the other .25 from a friend (remember I'm a college student here and this also represents the stimulus.). This McDonald's doesn't do redos and I am really hungry here. I accept the fact that the burger was a little more expensive than I would have wanted it, has a condiment I could have done without and I could really do nothing to stop it, but I couldn't just throw it away. I have to take the good with the bad if I want to eat at all...
...And then I am attacked for wasting taxpayers money for a condiment (representing pork) I dislike.
And because everyone else saw me bum a quarter off my friend, they can believe something this ridiculous. I'm a thief in their eyes...or more likely...

Monday, October 4, 2010
Roy Retaliates
Accuracy Watchdog Shreds Robin Carnahan’s Credibility
You’ve seen Robin Carnahan’s misleading attacks. Now the non-partisan truth-checker, FactCheck.org, has ripped Robin Carnahan’s credibility to shreds. Here’s some of what FactCheck.org found when they examined Robin Carnahan attacks:
“We find the charges to be false.”; “…the Democratic candidate misstates and distorts Blunt’s position…”; “...Carnahan leaps to the false conclusion”; “…mislabeling that a ‘bailout.’”; "...without any evidence..."; “…misleading…”; "Carnahan's video also exaggerates..."; “…the Carnahan video misrepresents Blunt’s position on liability…”; “…it makes this unfounded charge…”; "The Carnahan campaign falsely says..."; “…flawed conclusion…”; “…no proof…”; “…just part of a misleading narrative built on out-of-context quotations…”; “…a flawed understanding…”; and “…an inaccurate use of the word ‘bailout.’”
You’ve known all along that Carnahan’s attacks are false, but her liberal allies have already spent more than $1.3 million distorting the truth. Before this election is over they will spend millions more.
Straight from Roy Blunt's website.
Carnahan has pushed herself too far. She is trying to make fools of us all. She is trying to deceive
us. We cannot allow this to go on any longer.
Carnahan and her cronies have distorted the truth and flat out lied to us again and again. We must strike back...how?
We need boots on the ground! Canvassing, phone banks or even donations are needed. Contact your local Republican Headquarters to help Roy today!
Become a fan of Roy on Facebook and/or follow his Twitter!
Here's the address for the Kirksville Area:
Republican Headquarters, 214 North Franklin Street, Kirksville, MO.
While you are at it, I highly recommend you lend your assistance to a real hard worker who has fought for the economic well being of this area in the Missouri House and is running for State Senate, Brian Munzlinger!
Show your support and tell your friends!
We'll keep fighting to uncover the truth!
Let's try something a little different, shall we? We want to involve you, the viewer of this blog. Post a comment about a question you may have or perhaps an ad you may have seen that you want us to take apart. Now let's leave you with a little humor.

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