Here is the Map. Find Missouri
Notice how Blunt won by a wider margin than expected? Perhaps you remember certain friends pushing away the Rasmussen polls, saying how inaccurate and Republican-friendly they were? Rasmussen thought 9 points in Blunt's favor...
Blunt won by 13.7 points, the largest margin in decades!
How did this happen? Rural voters!
Yes, the rural voters, usually ignored in favor of St. Louis or Kansas City voters, propelled Blunt to a massive victory and easily erased any hope Carnahan had with her Democratic strongholds.
People angry at the Government helped too!
Here is a report from the Victory Celebration in Springfield! Listen to Blunt's speech!
I said a few weeks ago that this race was over! For the most part, Missouri voted in the right direction, although many rural voters are upset at Prop B barely passing.
To those of you that are worried, my experience in Jefferson City tells me that the Missouri Legislative Branch will find a way where it won't affect Agriculture (probably by defining "pets" a little more specifically so as not to include livestock). Missouri is very, very, very good at finding little loopholes and problems that can negate unpopular measures. (Yes, Prop B did win with the most votes, barely, but it should be noted that the Legislature is Republican...and any Republican will be a hero if they pass anything that will fight Prop B, or if nothing else, clear up the language issues.) Watch for the eventual lawsuit! :)
Thanks to you, Roy Blunt is in the Senate.
With that, this little experiment comes to a close. "Roy's Rangers" has evolved over the weeks, hopefully for the better. Maybe in 2012 you will see us again, backing the right candidate. If a candidate doesn't know the truth of wrong or right, you can bet...
...the eyes of the Rangers will be upon them.